Ophtai: who are we ?
OphtAI is a joint venture specialized in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Ophthalmology, created by Evolucare, a key player in hospital IT systems, and its historical partner ADCIS, specialist in image analysis with 25 years of expertise.
OphtAI, a successful example of technology transfer
OphtAI is the result of a successful decade long public-private R&D partnership between renowned industry partners, researchers, and clinical practitioners. In its most recent incarnation, it took the form of the RetinOpTIC project.
This project – a Unique Interministerial Fund (FUI 19) winner also backed by Systematic Paris-Region and Medicen clusters, set out to develop a portable digital imaging device for the retina, and an Artificial Intelligence based software package to grade Diabetic Retinopathy. The project has a number of partners, including ADCIS, AP-HP, Evolucare and INSERM, and contributions from the very best medical and scientific experts in the field.
The creation of a joint venture between Evolucare, SME expert in healthcare organization and patient data management, and ADCIS, SME expert in image analysis in a wide range of fields, officializes the transfer of the OphtAI technology and its arrival onto the ophthalmology market.
This partnership’s success demonstrates the strategic positioning of clinical partners, researchers, and industry, determinedly focused on digital health and precision medicine.
The partnership between Evolucare and ADCIS, two key industry players who have been working on innovative, ambitious research projects for many years, Evolucare and ADCIS partnered in order to hold a solid position on the international ophthalmology market with a range of innovative services based on artificial intelligence (AI).
The first solution from this range, a CE marked medical device, is used for the semi-automated screening of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Now, in 2020, the device functions has been improved to grade DR, and to detect Diabetic Macular Edema, Glaucoma, Age Related Macular Degeneration and Age Related Maculopathy, and our range of service is extending to meet the needs of practitioners and patients.
The ambition of the OphtAI joint venture is to develop an entire range of specialist ophhtalmology software, covering everything from analysis of the surface of the eye with the cornea, all the way to the retina. The use of AI and deep learning in image processing and analysis paves the way for massive screening of retinal diseases, in real time and at a low cost.
Humans behind the machine
OphtAI is home to women and men from a range of backgrounds and fields, who pool their strengths and cutting edge expertise to propose high added-value services for ophthalmology professionals.
Two leaders are at the head of this incredible human adventure: Alexandre Le Guilcher, CEO of OphtAI, and Bruno Laÿ, CTO.

Alexandre LE GUILCHER, CEO, OphtAI - R&I Director, Evolucare
After studying engineering at the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (1998-2001), in 2002 Alexandre Le Guilcher joined the Austrian SMB, SKI DATA, to work on Dubai’s Skidome project. After installing an RFID chip secure access system, three years later he joined MGE (renewable energy), now known as Schneider, where he worked as a pre-sales engineer for the UK and Northern Europe.
Following these two distinct experiences (SME and industry), in 2007 he joined Evolucare, the leading group in electronic patient record through its subsidiary, Corwin. Alexandre then began his career in the family SME, now a SME, with an extensive period in the field where he mastered the solutions on offer and gained a solid understanding of customer needs, all with the aim of improving patient treatments as a developer.
He then worked in roles as the director of roll-out and software production, then in marketing and new products, before forming the R&I division and, in 2019, creating OphtAI, a company that he manages today.
Bruno LAŸ has a PhD in Engineering from the Ecole des Mines. He began his studies at their Saint-Etienne’s branch, before completing his thesis in applied image processing in ophthalmology, and diabetic retinopathy in particular, at the Center for Mathematical Morphology at Paris’ École des Mines. He also holds an MSc in image processing and artificial intelligence from UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles).
After founding and managing from 1985 to 1995 NOESIS, a company specializing in the development of scientific software, and image processing in particular, in 1995 he founded ADCIS in partnership with the American company, AAI (Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc.).
Since 1995, he has served as VP Marketing and Sales at AAI, CEO of ADCIS and, more recently, CTO of OphtAI, which he co-founded with Alexandre Le Guilcher.